Dragon Eggs
The Legend of Loci May:
Loci May was the first dragon kiln built in Putnam County, New York. Three times per year she is filled with unglazed clay eggs. These eggs are painted and turned to stone with wood-fire and ash fed to Loci May by a crew of stokers over the course of several days.
The “Dragon Egg Compatibility Test” is painless and relatively simple. While holding the Dragon Egg, breathe mindful breaths. Turn the Dragon Egg around slowly in your hands, looking deep into the layers of color and texture. Imagine the fire and ash painting the egg while it was inside of Loci May. Do this at least until the warmth of your hands has saturated the Dragon Egg, making it warmer than when you first picked it up. During this time, if you have any wild imaginings, colorful curiosities, or generally pleasant thoughts, then you are compatible with that particular Dragon Egg.
All of the Dragon Eggs that come from Loci May will hatch at dawn on May 1, 3005. Until then, they will give birth to endless ideas and inspirations.
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